Crazy Quilt Embellishment 101

Sign up now for
Crazy Quilt Embellishment 101
Sign-up: Aug. 3 - Sept. 4
Classes begin 7 Oct. 2015

The Embroiderer's Guild of America is hosting the online class: 

Crazy Quilt Embellishment 101
a four-week course 
covering the basics of embellishing a crazy quilt 
You will learn how to paint lace, 
do ribbonwork and silk ribbon embroidery, 
piece and decorate a Victorian style fan,
embroider a motif,
some tricks for making interesting embroidery stitches along seam edges. 
And more! 
Pieced fan detail of the sample block
The course includes full size patterns for patches, a six-inch fan, and an embroidery motif. 
Make a twelve-inch square block to use in a quilt or other project. 
Supply your own materials, or purchase a kit that includes quality, hard to find items. 
Details appear on the EGA websiteclick on "Learn More"
Ribbonwork detail of the sample block
Sign up early to assure yourself a space in the class. 
Enrollment may be limited. 
Make a beautiful block!